O Kupcu

The FABRIKA beginnings go back to 1985, when TRIO design team was founded. The name FABRIKA was established later in 1989, when a group of TRIO designers decide to expand their studio into an agency. The most important development period for the agency begins in 1997, after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The agency develops, employs more professionals and continuously expands its services. In 2000, FABRIKA becomes the biggest domestic independent agency based on its yearly turn-over. Today ranked as on of the three biggest full service marketing agencies in B&H, FABRIKA grows with each year and match with international agencies.

Compared to other large players FABRIKA is unique because it is domestic and independent full marketing agency.

We provide services to domestic and international clients.

Our philosophy is to create a partnership of equals among media, agency and client.

We offer full communication programs.

We have tools needed for strategic marketing analysis and media market analysis.

Our experts come from different professional backgrounds and posses wide knowledge of international standards. We follow world trends and offer cutting edge communication best suited to your needs and budget. Our in-house facilities consist of graphic design stations, video and audio editing suites, audio studio for recording and mastering, video animation and postproduction facilities.

Creative strategies
Media strategies
Public Relations
Consumers promotion, events and BTL activities
Graphic design
TV and Radio production
Web design and strategy

O projektu

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